Healthy and Clean Air - Our motto for more than 30 years!
Air disinfection in community structures (schools, hospitals, offices) is essential because it avoids the diffusion of viruses and microbes that often cause more or less severe infections. With UV-C devices, you can disinfect the air, and keep the components of your air conditioning system clean and efficient without the use of chemicals, while keeping the consumption of energy and water under control.
The keys to continued HVAC performance are cleaning cooling coils, drainage trays, and other “wet” components. A building without UV-C products would have all the elements defined as “wet” coated with biofilm and organic compounds-these products, resulting from poor cleaning, escape through the air ducts.
When mold, biofilm, and other organic compounds accumulate. The air inside the ducts deteriorates in terms of quality. Odors develop, and respiratory irritants, pathogens, and allergens spread. The flow of air through the batteries becomes limited due to fouling, which impacts comfort and energy performance. Equipment and material life are reduced, and maintenance requirements are increasing, which entails a threat to the “three E’s” of a building: Energy, Efficiency, and Economics… all of which contribute to achieving a green building. By reducing energy and water consumption, ultraviolet (UV-C) lighting maintains the cleanliness of HVAC components and minimizes the use of chemicals.
UV-C helps maintain or retrofit IAQ significantly. According to ASHRAE and the U.S. General Services Administration, UV-C rays prevent microbial “growth and transfer” in living spaces. The application of UV prevents the formation and reduces the spread of different categories of organisms, which can grow and spread in modern air treatment systems. These include pathogens (viruses, bacteria, and fungi, which can cause a variety of diseases), allergens (bacteria and molds, which can cause allergic rhinitis, asthma, humidifier fever, and hypersensitivity pneumonia), and toxins (endotoxins and mycotoxins, which can cause a variety of toxic effects, irritation, and odors).